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How do I update my profile?

2021-07-12T11:37:13-02:30July 12, 2021||

IMPORTANT: Setting up your Predict Preferences (Profile) is critical because this is how you and your company are promoted to our network of general contractors. The process for [...]

What has changed?

2021-07-12T10:46:45-02:30May 17, 2021||

Great news! As part of a new strategic alliance between ConstructConnect and the Newfoundland and Labrador Construction Association your current NLCA electronic plan room is [...]

How do I get started?

2021-07-12T10:53:58-02:30May 17, 2021||

You’re in the right place! Use this page for helpful tips on standard workflows. We also have step-by-step instructions on how to run Saved Searches, [...]

How do I Watch a project or company?

2021-07-12T11:19:21-02:30May 17, 2021||

The process to Watch Projects or Watch Companies has changed. You can now Save or Watch a Project by using your star button on your Bid Center, Search, or [...]

CCDC/CCA Contract Documents

2021-07-09T13:14:11-02:30May 10, 2021|

The Canadian Construction Documents Committee (CCDC) series of documents are endorsed by the construction, engineering, and architecture community and are highly respected documents, contracts, and [...]

Advertising Opportunities

2025-01-27T13:28:50-03:30May 10, 2021|

Enhance your profile. Reach your target audience. Engage with industry. Start Advertising Today With Our Exclusive Opportunities Increase your company’s visibility through [...]


2021-06-22T15:46:14-02:30May 10, 2021|

NLCA is consistently advocating on behalf of the commercial and industrial construction industry in Newfoundland and Labrador with all three levels of government. NLCA’s [...]

Electronic Plansroom

2022-05-02T13:03:03-02:30May 10, 2021|

In 2021 NLCA entered into a new Strategic Alliance Agreement with our partners at ConstructConnect. Members of NLCA were migrated into the new and [...]

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