Welcome to our Centre of Excellence
The Centre of Excellence – a pillar of YOUR NLCA: Together, we’re building Newfoundland and Labrador.
One of the core benefits of an NLCA membership is the opportunity to advance your professional standing and qualifications in the construction industry.
Our Centre of Excellence Education program helps you build the foundation that you need. Align your skills directly with those in the commercial & industrial construction industry, allowing you to continue working while gaining the skills needed in your career.
Our Program features a wide variety of education and training opportunities through live webinars and courses, as well as e-learning. New offerings are being added daily.
As the world is dealing with COVID-19, things are looking different at our Centre of Excellence, and learning for this period in time has shifted to solely online. NLCA can guarantee that the quality of life-long learning, mentorship & skills development, along with the connections that you will make through our webinars and courses will remain the same.
Did you know that NLCA’s Centre of Excellence full-day and multi-day courses could qualify for 2/3 of the cost to be covered under the Canada-NL Job Grant Program? That means for a course costing $600 your firm would only occur costs of $200 once a claim was submitted! (plus hst)
The process is simple!
- Register in the LAMPSS System. To access LAMPSS Organization Self-Serve for the first time you will require a User-ID. (helpful tip: use Firefox web browser to access) If you have not been issued a User-ID one can be obtained by completing and sending an on-line fillable LaMPSS Organization Registration Form
- Once logged into LaMPSS, users are taken to their User Homepage. All self-serve users for an organization have access to the Organization Homepage. Under the left navigation menu of the Organization Homepage you will find the Apply for Funding section which you can use to navigate to a list of Programs and Services available for funding through LaMPSS. (Select Canada-NL Job Grant Program)
- When you click on Apply Now, LaMPSS will generate an electronic application form for the program, customized for your organization! Another popup window will instruct you to click on a link to download the customized form. Please note, depending on how your browser is configured you may see a message at the top of your screen asking you to allow the download. If you do, click as instructed and the form will download. You must have Adobe version 9.3 or higher to work with LaMPSS self-serve forms. When the download is complete you will be prompted to Open, Save or Cancel. You do not need to be logged into LaMPSS to submit your completed form. Simply enter your login credentials in the fields provided at the end of the form. Press “submit” and an agreement number will be generated if your application has been submitted successfully.
- It is recommended that you apply for funding at least 20 days prior to course start date to allow sufficient time for the application to be processed. Read and review the Canada-NL Job Grant guidelines – https://www.gov.nl.ca/ipgs/files/foremployers-cnl-job-grant-program-guidelines.pdf
- In the system, please provide a brief outline of the project (maximum 300 words)
• Training course information, including detailed description of the training.
• Copy of the quote from the training provider on the cost of the training.
• Training schedule.
• Location of the training.
• Trainer contact information, including name(s) and telephone number(s).
• Itemized budget breakdown.
• Letters from partners confirming financial or in-kind contribution, i.e., other organization or
government entity.
• Your organization’s mandate whether an Industry Association, Employer, Consortia, union or
• Business Plan (if the employing organization has been in business less than a year)
All items noted above must be provided as part of your application and is required for your application
to be assessed. - As part of the administration of the C-NL Job Grant, employers must submit an Initial Client Contact Form for all employees trained through funding provided by this program. Employers must also submit a Client Consent Form which outlines the client consent for exchange and release of information between the employee, the employer and the provincial and federal governments. Submission of these forms is mandatory; this information is required as part of the terms of the Canada Job Fund agreement between the province and federal government. These documents must be submitted prior to the disbursement of funds under this program.
- Once training is completed, submit activity and financial reports online though the LAMPSS system.
- Once reports/claims have been reviewed and approved, reimbursement will be issued from the Department.
Read more here:
Cancellation Policy
- Cancellations must be received no later than 10 business days prior to the course or event date to be eligible for a 75% refund of registration fees.
- No refunds will be issued after this date.
- If you register for the course and do not attend, you are liable for the full registration fee unless you cancel according to the terms stated above.
- If you are unable to attend after registering, you may send a substitute up to and including the day of the course or event. Please provide a name and email address for records.
- NLCA reserves the right to cancel any course or event and will, in such instance, provide a full refund of registrations fees. Every effort will be made to give registrants a reasonable notice of cancellation.
- No liability is assumed by the organization (NLCA) for changes in course dates, content, speakers, or venue.
What People Are Saying
A very well-delivered webinar on a complicated topic of E-Bonding! Great value for new people to the industry and seasoned veterans alike. Strongly recommend!
Another great course by Lee Kelly, Constructing Minds the Closeout of A Construction Project – highly recommended!
Well run course and pleasure to attend! Lean Construction is definitely the future of construction planning and will be especially useful for P3 and design-build style contracts.
Great well organized course! The Profitable Contracting course is really relevant for all players involved in our industry!
Great ethics course! It’s information that we know subconsciously and now we know how to apply it to our everyday life!
Great training on Saturday! Holly Hicks was so informative and an amazing teacher! Great job to her and the NLCA team on the delivery of the blueprint reading course.
I appreciate the thoughtful attention to detail and follow-up from the NLCA President & staff, like making sure in real-time that potential issues with virtual programing are addressed and resolved before the member even realizes that they might have a problem.
Working as a Construction Supervisor in today’s industry I’m faced with situations almost on a daily basis that require fair, ethical judgments. The NLCA’s Construction Ethics course has helped heightened my awareness of the importance of ethical decision-making and has provided the tools to do so.
Participation in this course will help me to achieve my gold seal certification.
The Construction Ethics course narrows the gap between black and white ethical decisions faced in our industry
The course is relatable and informative, a must for both experienced and junior construction professionals.